Thursday, August 25, 2011

Why Jan-lokpal bill is overrated?

Let me tell you why I think its overrated. Let me also define the boundaries of the debate. Let me not get into this version and that version. Let me not question how committed any particular side is in bringing the best possible bill. Let me discuss civil society's bill, or even best parts of all bills.

U see, old saying "Power corrupts." Corruption comes from unchecked power and political power is unrestrained in India. Our MPs roam around with their sycophants, blocking traffic, openly defying quotas and doing things at whim. What we need is checked power, probably distribution and dilution of it. This bill, on the contrary, shifts concentration of power from one center to another. So much for a solution! What is the guarantee that this new center of power won't be corrupt. A watchdog for politicians. But who will watch the watchdog? And encompassing every public servant under this bill, a noble idea, will generate unmanageable volume of work.

Let me exclude politicians of every cast, creed and colour temporarily. I have been following some articles/editorials on the bill, news-men's blogs and tweets. The general sense that I gather is none of them are out-and-out for the bill. Most of them have serious reservations against the bill. Yet few others opine that this bill will do more bad than good. Mind you these are apolitical and informed opinions coming from learned people. ...from people whose bread and butter is this and they watch every political development from close quarters, often even have inside information. But ya, they still cover Anna extensively. They support Anna in Voltaire spirit, i.e. "I disagree with what you say, but I will defend to the death your right to say it". One can doubt Anna's tool, question his ways but can't disagree with his goal, just like Gandhi. Following are just few links that doubt the bill. (Disclaimer: I have handpicked only criticisms. However Google for it. 90% results are criticisms only. Let me know if that number is exaggeration.)
  1. []: by PB Mehta. Widely respected and referred article. So very popular that there are criticisms of it too. Google for them too. "News You Can't Use!" is one such criticism.
  2. []
  3. []: Another widely referred article.
  4. []
  5. []: The Hindu Op-ed page.
  6. []
  7. []
  8. []
  9. []
  10. []
  11. []
  12. []
  13. []
  14. []:(Last two are blogs. Can be ignored but a good read.)
Now let's come to politicians. Congress is against Civil Society's bill is well known. They have two to three versions of their own which, we are told, lacks bite and sometimes termed as Joke-pal bill. Left is against both the versions of the bill. (Google for it. I found in bits and pieces, here and there. Didn't find one single link that captures all.) Here is BJP's stand. (Somewhere read it is essentially Left's stand. They don't have there own opinion on issue of national interest. But anyways that is for some other day. Its beyond the scope of this topic) [,]. Same with other opposition parties. [] But all opposition parties are with Anna, attempt to corner Congress on the issue and ask Govt to bow before the public pressure.

True that recent relevant campaigns has been garnering huge public support and has seen mass-participation. But its more to do with exasperation of people against corruption. They are sick and tired of it, unwilling to hear any more of it, and quite naturally so. It has little to do with their understanding of the bill and genuine or informed support of it. Serve them anything against corruption, even a magic wand, and they will take it.