Friday, June 27, 2008

Letter To CNN-IBN.

I wrote the following letter to CNN-IBN Editorial Team today.

Dear Editorial Team Members,

Not entering into greetings and niceties, lemme directly come to point.

I have been following news through your channel for quite some time now. I sincerely consider you, and NDTV, as best and genuine news providers, placing you over and above NDTV. I also appreciate you for doing journalism as it should be done. I believe, I have few suggestions and programming ideas for your channel. Following are some:
1. I have an unique programming idea. How about a programme called "Address The Nation"?

I often find regular interviews and debates insufficient to put across a point. They are restricted to answering only what is asked and we, as viewers, only get to know bits and pieces of whole thing.

A programme like "Address The Nation" will help its speakers to connect directly with the viewers and explain subjects/view-points/opininons unrestricted and uniterrupted(by an interviewer). Like, say if Left stands against the nuclear deal they can have some representative XYZ and speak directly to your viewers through this programme and lay down the points why do they oppose. Not only laying down the points but also explaining the nitty-gritties. Like one of their points against the deal is Hyde Act. Now, how many of your viewers, do you think, know whats there in the Hyde Act. So Hyde Act is a point, which has come out through some of your programmes. Whats-in-it-that-we-should-be-wary-of hasn't. Similarly we can have someone for the deal speaking to the people. So leaders get to say all they want to say. Viewers are more informed. You get programming free-of-cost with no need to spend a penny on anchor or interviewer. You can ask the speaker to break his speech in such way that commercials can be pushed in when required. The duration of such programme should be two hours. We can have one speker consume the full time. Or two or three speakers speaking one after the other, speaking possibly on different topics. Look and feel can be very formal, like president addressing the nation, informal if the topic is light. Topics can range from political issues to view points to controversies to sports and films. Like I fancy Kapil Sibbal addressing the nation on why Nuclear Deal is safe and should be done. I fancy Sitaram Yechury addressing the nation on why Nuclear Deal is unsafe and should not be done. I fancy Yash Chopra addressing the nation for why agitaion against Fanna is Stupid. I fancy Ratan Tata addressing the nation on how environment concerns are probably invalid and Nano is a revolution. I fancy Sunita Narain addressing the nation on why Nano is a disaster in making.

2. Weather reporting should be a compulsory part of your prime time news bulletins. Also you can dedicate 15 mins every day, probably in not-so-prime-time, discussing weather of the country. You can also discuss Pollution levels of key cities, Noise decibels at random locations etc... (Actually I cann't thnk of any more... :-) ) Else don't make any hue and cry over how Government could not reach people affected of flood, earthquake etc.

3. How about having dedicated 30 mins everyday reading some of the most important news to dumb-and-deaf. Programme can be slotted in not-so-prime-time again. Resposible jouanalism. Right? All Inclusive Journalism. Right?

Wrapping-up for now. Have some more ideas... But some time later!
